Craniosacral Therapy - Remote
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Multidimensional trauma is found in the Astral body and can come from emotions or traumatic experiences from other lifetimes and they affect us here in the present time. These emotions and trauma become blocks to personal expansion and growth, they can keep us from truly experiencing our true selves, or joy and happiness, any successes that we are desiring to achieve become a burden or chore. Freeing yourself from these emotions and trauma open you up to experience life in a whole new way.
Cranial Sacral is a gentle shifting of the cranial bones through intention and very light touch. Physically, it is known for relieving headaches, migraine, sciatica, sinus problems, TMJD, neck trauma, and much more. The client is fully clothed during a cranial sacral session. Three sessions are suggested as a starting point when addressing specific issues.
Cranial Sacral is a gentle shifting of the cranial bones through intention and very light touch. Physically, it is known for relieving headaches, migraine, sciatica, sinus problems, TMJD, neck trauma, and much more. The client is fully clothed during a cranial sacral session. Three sessions are suggested as a starting point when addressing specific issues.